wind power
Pecos Wind Power

For Electricity Customers

Explore the following steps toward your own PW85 installation and start learning about how you can benefit from distributed wind today! Pecos Wind Power will be there with you every step of the way.

How we work

Our Process

Distributed Wind Feasibility

Distributed Wind Feasibility

At your request, we will kick-off a remote feasibility study to evaluate wind resource, potential site locations, and provide project finance and ownership estimates.
Establish Letter of Intent

Establish Letter of Intent

Once feasibility is determined, Pecos Wind Power requests a non-binding letter of intent to enroll the interested party in the growing queue of commercial PW85 installations.
Permitting and Pre-Construction Engineering

Permitting and Pre-Construction Engineering

Pecos Wind Power and our partners will begin permitting, interconnection, and site-specific engineering studies.
Wind Turbine Installation

Wind Turbine Installation

Once pre-construction project development is complete, we send our installation team to install and commission your turbine.
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Pecos Wind Power schedules routine O&M visits to ensure mechanical health and uptime of your turbine. Under a Power Purchase Agreement, O&M site visits are conducted at no additional cost to your organization.
Enjoy Renewable, Low Cost Electricity

Enjoy Renewable, Low Cost Electricity

Enjoy clean energy and savings immediately following the installation.

Contact us for a Wind Feasibility Study

For Project Developers

Co-Development Opportunities: Pecos Wind Power offers a co-development model to partner with solar and wind project developers. We are eager to connect developers with the next generation of distributed wind technology. The PW85’s low wind speed design targets average annual wind speeds as low as 5 meters/second. The design optimization not only increases capacity factor but also expands the geographic territories suitable for distributed wind power. The PW85 will help you and your team access a larger market with a lower cost machine.

Pecos Wind Power strives to make it easy for solar developers to adopt our technology. Pecos Wind Power can handle all wind-specific aspects of project development, including sales support, engineering support, foundation design, and turbine installation. The co-development model is designed to increase the competitiveness of your technology offering while allowing your organization to stay lean – there is no need to hire additional personnel or expand capabilities.